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Compliance with the requirements of sustainable development is also stipulated in GYSEV’s integrated corporate policy.
The following principles apply for environmental protection:
Minimizing the environmental impact of rail operations.
Continuous development and operation of railway transport.
Strengthening social responsibility.
Consistent enforcement of the prevention principle.
Our vehicles’ pollutant emission is minimal, thanks to the fact that around 90% of our lines are electrified.
Protection of air quality
The pollutant emission connected to GYSEV’s operation is minimal; it is constantly monitored and kept below limit values.
Of particular note is the drastic reduction in the emission of gases and vapors with a “global effect” (CO2, halogenated and other volatile hydrocarbons, etc.).
Our heating modernization program, the modernization of our diesel vehicles and the purchase of new locomotives and multiple units back in the early 2000s play a prominent role in our pollutant reduction.
Waste management
The company ensures that the waste generated during railway operations is collected in an organized manner that meets technical and legal requirements.
The principle of circular economy plays an outstanding role here, namely the reuse of railway building materials with the appropriate technical parameters.
We are continually expanding separate waste collection to additional locations and also making it possible for our passengers.
GYSEV employees have been taking part in Hungary’s nationwide waste collection campaign for 15 years.
Soil and groundwater protection
During our company’s activities and processes that have an impact on the environment, prevention, i.e., the continuous and planned maintenance of systems, plays a particularly important role so that currently no elimination of environmental damage caused by technological origin is underway.
In the event of incidents, damage elimination will begin immediately.
Our future goals include the development and operation of technologies that work with economical water use and wastewater treatment.
In the maintenance workshops and operational areas, we use special oil containment blankets and trays, specifically designed for railway operations, to contain possible oil and fuel leaks, thereby protecting the soil.
Careful preservation and maintenance of the track area
We use effective herbicides against weed around the track which are not harmful to wildlife (e.g., bees).
Before spraying, the public is always notified.
Wildlife protection
Use of a prism system,
Construction of wildlife protection fences,
Speed restrictions on track sections heavily frequented by wildlife,
Use of wild whistles in some vehicles.
The above measures help us prevent wildlife accidents.
Noise and vibration protection
By building noise barriers in certain track sections, traffic noise was significantly reduced.
Noise could be further reduced by the following measures:
Rolling stock development (railcars),
Use of freight wagons with disc brakes,
Use of plastic brake blocks on freight wagons
Our future plans also include participation in EU programs to reduce rail noise.
Bird protection
The protection of protected birds along our line network with the involvement of regionally responsible national parks is a priority task for our company.
When insulating the facade of Püspökmolnári station building, artificial swallow nests were built after the renovation of the building was completed in order to enable the resettlement of the house martins nesting in the area of the station building and thus protect their significant population.
Artificial swallow nests were also installed as part of the renovation of Szentgotthárd station building. We also try to keep the original swallow nests and put them back out once construction work is completed.
Bird-friendly glass: Glass panes on the platforms of stations and stops carry a bird decal to prevent birds striking the glass
Everyday tips – every step counts!
Being environmentally conscious at home may be much easier than while traveling.
Our everyday tips will help you be an environmentally conscious passenger!
Using a digital calendar is not only convenient, but also free and also reduces paper consumption.
Instead of buying books, borrow them from the library or try out GYSEV’s reading corners at Sopron railway station.
Pay with bank card.
Selective waste collection is possible so collect waste separately and be an environmentally conscious passenger!
Try to avoid using single-use plastic!
Use recycled paper cups
Instead of nylon, use fabric bags
Instead of PET bottles, use a drinking bottle
Remember – every step counts!
When you travel, opt for solutions with a lower carbon footprint.
The railway – does not pollute the air, causes minimal noise and always has priority.
No problem if you don't have a bike – rent one!
A kick scooter is relatively fast, easy to store and transport.
Go for a walk - To keep fit, we recommend walking for 30 min every day – at the same time, you will protect the environment!
Make a change to preserve air quality and become a conscious passenger!👆